Nathalie Batraville

Nathalie Batraville is an Assistant Professor at Concordia University’s Simone de Beauvoir Institute, where she teaches and conducts research in the areas of Black feminist, decolonial, and queer theory, with a particular focus on prison abolition and cultural productions of the Black Atlantic. 

Title: “Technologies of Love and Desire.” 

Abstract: This paper draws on Dionne Brand’s A Map to the Door of No Return to reflect on technologies of love and desire. Tending to the intersections of the erotic, fugitivity and revolution in the wake of both 1492 and 1792, I trace the inventions that emerge from the embodiment of the sensual cyborg. I move from the map to poetics and back to the map again in order to craft alternative aesthetic and political experiments that might allow the Black subject to shift beyond the category of the human.